Oven Fries
List of Ingredients
Oven Fries
Potatoes - however many you want
Oil - 1 to 2 tbsp
Salt - however much you want
Seasonings of choice, amounts you like
Slice desired number of potatoes into wedges, lengthwise.
Place wedges in a bowl of ice water for 30 minutes.
Drain and pat potatoes dry on paper towels.
Place in a bowl and sprinkle on 1-2 tbsp oil
Add whatever seasonings you desire, salt, cajun, etc.
Mix to spread oil and seasonings.
Place on baking sheet and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes at 375. Turn the
potatoes over and bake about 15 minutes more.
This isn't really an exact type recipe, just one of those "well, this is what I do" things!