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    About Yeast Breads

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    A good loaf of bread should be rounded at the top and light in weight; the crust should be smooth, golden brown, tender and crisp. When cut, the crumb should show a fine grain, tiny even holes; be moist and elastic and spring back to shape when pressed; it should taste slightly sweet.

    FLOUR: Sift flour before using. For white bread, use all-purpose flour. ENRICHED FLOUR is wheat flour which contains added vitamins and minerals. It can be used in any recipe calling for flour with no difference in method or taste.

    INSTANT ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR is processed so that it looks and pours like sugar, and requires no sifting. It measures evenly, doesn't pack down, and disperses instantly in cold liquids without lumping. Follow directions on the package when substituting for regular flour in ordinary recipes. Combine with other dry ingredients by stirring. Caution: doughs made with instant flour have a slightly different "feel"; do not add extra flour.

    SALT AND SUGAR: Sugar in limited amounts quickens the action of the yeast; salt will retard the action of the yeast.

    POTATO WATER helps keep bread moist and also hastens the rising. To make 1 cup potato water, wash and peel 1 or 2 potatos, coverwith boiling water, and when thoroughly cooked, drain off and save potato water. Mash potato fine, and add to potato water.

    SHORTENING: Butter, margarine, emulsified vegetable shortenings, meat fat, or vegetable oil.

    LIQUID: Use water, milk, skim milk, whey, potato or rice water alone or mixed with water. Milk should be scalded and cooled to lukewarm (98-105 degrees F) before adding yeast.

    YEAST: There are two types used in home baking: compressed fresh or cake yeast, and active dry granulated yeast. Both are living substances, and must be activated in warm liquid. One package dry yeast may be used in place of 1 cake of yeast. Dissolve contents of package of dry yeast in 1/4 cup water that feels warm to the touch (110 degrees F), somewhat warmer than the liquid for cake yeast. Then follow any recipe using yeast. Cake yeast is perishable and must be kept in the refrigerator. Dry yeast will be kept for several months on the pantry shelf; check package for expiration date.

    TO MIX
    There are two methods of mixing dough--the straight dough method where a stiff dough using all the flour is made at once; and the--the straight dough method where a stiff dough using all the flour is made at once; and the sponge method, where a sponge is made first with part of the flour, and allowed to rise; the rest of the flour is added later to make a stiff dough.

    Toss dough on a floured board. Fold edges of dough toward center, press down and away with palm of hand, turning dough around and around as you knead until it no longer sticks to hand or board; handle dough lightly. Dough is ready when smooth and elastic, full of blisters and, when pressed with fingers, it springs back.

    Let dough rise at room temperature, 70 to 82 degrees F, free from drafts. When dough has doubled, cut down with knife or punch down, and if time permits, let rise again.

    Divide dough into equal parts and place in greased loaf pans. Loaves should be half the depth of the pan. Cover and let rise until the sides of the dough have nearly reached the top and the center is well rounded.

    Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F, about 45 minutes or until well browned, according to size of loaf. When done, loaf shrinks from pan and has a hollow sound when tapped. Remove. If a hard crust is desired, allow the air to circulate around it. If a soft crust is desired, wrap bread in a cloth until cool




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