Scottish Wholemeal bread
Source of Recipe
Mìcheil Rob Mac Phàdruig
List of Ingredients
8 cups wholemeal flour
4 cups white flour
1/4 cup melted vegan margarine
1 cup tepid soy milk
1 oz (about 2 tbsps) yeast
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup tepid water
pinch of sugarRecipe
Warm mixing basin, put in sifted flours, mix well, add
margarine. Mix yeast with sugar, add tepid water and soy milk. Make a well in flour, pour in liquid. Use wooden spoon to mix to a smooth dough, add salt gradually. Cover with a cloth, leave in warm place until size doubles, about 1 hour. Remove from bowl, knead well on floured board until soft, not sticky. Divide in two, shape into leaves, put into greased tins, fill to about 2/3rds. If making a round or 'cottage' loaf, the tins are not needed. Cover, leave again in warm place for about 3/4 hour. When dough rises to near top of pans it is ready to bake. Bake in oven at 400°F (205°C) for 10 minutes.
Lower heat to 350°F (180°C), bake for about 35 minutes. If properly cooked, loaf will sound hollow when tapped on bottom.
Makes 2 loaves.
It goes without saying that Scotland has its own breads,
wholemeal being a good example. This is not a difficult bread to make and as is so often the case with national cuisines, it's a perfect accompaniment with other Scottish dishes.