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    Sourdough Nepalese Bread

    Source of Recipe

    From Pat's Sourdough & Favorite Recipes

    List of Ingredients

    1 1/2 cups Sourdough starter sponge*
    2 cups Whole wheat flour
    2 tablespoons Sugar
    1/2 teaspoon Baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon Salt
    1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg
    1/4 teaspoon Cloves -- ground
    1 Egg replacer
    1/2 cup soy Milk


    In sourdough starter put the egg replacer and the 1/2 cup soy milk. Sift all the dry ingredients together; add to the starter mixture. Work until the dough forms a smooth ball. Add more flour if needed. Dough should not be sticky, but should be soft. Cover and let rise for 1/2 hour or so.
    Divide into 4 equal parts. Shape each into a ball. On a lightly floured board, roll out each ball into an 8-inch circle. Cut into quarters. Heat 1 1/2 inches of salad oil in a heavy skillet at 400F.
    Lower 1 portion of dough at a time into the hot oil; as soon as it returns to the surface, immediately turn over, using a slotted spatula. Continue to cook for 2 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. Lift out and drain on paper towels.
    Serve warm. Good with lamb stew.
    * Take your Mother Reserve out of refrigerator the night before, mix 1 1/2 cups water, 1 1/2 cups flour and the Mother Reserve and 1 tablespoon sugar. Cover and let set overnight. Next morning take your Mother Reserve back out, and after taking out what you use in the recipe, sprinkle the reserve with a dash of sugar and return to the refrigerator for future use.




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