Indian-spiced Quinoa with Raisins and Pinenuts. Despite the fact that quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) hails from South
America, it adapts deliciously to the flavors of Indian spices and the
Middle Eastern pilaf-style cooking method. Nutritionally, quinoa might
be considered a supergrain--although it is not really a grain, but the
seed of a leafy plant that's distantly related to spinach. Quinoa has
excellent reserves of protein, and unlike other grains, is not missing
the amino aicd lysine, so the protein is more complete. Its protein
content is incredibly high 11 grams per half-cup, and it offers more
iron than other grains and contains high levels of potassium and
riboflavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6, niacin, and thiamin. It is
also a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese, and has
some folate (folic acid).
1-1/2 cups quinoa
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 large shallots, minced
3 teaspoons peeled and minced fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
3 cups vegetable stock or water, heated
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1/3 cup golden raisins
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley leaves
1. Rinse the quinoa well to remove the bitter white coating. Drain
thoroughly and set aside.
2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the
shallots and ginger and cook, stirring, until the shallots are slightly
softened, about 1 minute. Add the quinoa along with the cardamom,
coriander, cumin, and cayenne and stir to coat with the oil. Stir in the
hot stock and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and season with
salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook until all the water is
absorbed, about 10 minutes.
Remove from the heat and stir in the raisins, pine nuts, and parsley.
Serve hot.