Email to Chris Williams Recipe Categories: CVC's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS APPETIZERS-DIPS APPETIZERS-GUACAMOLE APPETIZERS-PATES APPETIZERS-SPREADS BBQ BEANS BEVERAGES BEVERAGES-JUICES BEVERAGES-MILK BEVERAGES-SHAKESandSMOOTHIES BEVERAGES-TEAS BREAD BREADS-BISCUITS BREADS-MUFFINS BREADS-ROLLS BREAKFAST BURGERSandPATTIES CAKES CANDY CASSEROLES CEREAL CHEESES CHILI CONDIMENTS CONDIMENTS-MAYONNAISES COOKIES CRACKERS CREAMS CREAMS-SOUR CREAMS-WHIPPED CROCKPOT CURRY DESSERTS DESSERTS-BARS DESSERTS-CRISPSandTORTS DESSERTS-SNACKS DRESSINGS ENTREE ETHNIC ETHNIC-MEXICAN FROSTING FRUIT FUDGEandBROWNIES GRAINS GRAVY GRILLEDorBBQ HUMMUS ICECREAMS JamsJelliesButtersMarmalades MISC MISC-MEDICATIONS NOG NUTS PANCAKESandWAFFLES PASTA PIESandCRUSTS PIZZA PRESSURECOOKER PUDDINGS RICE SALADS SALSAS SANDWICHES SANDWICHES-WRAPS SAUCES SEASONINGS SIDEDISH SOUPSandSTEWS SOUPSandSTEWS-DRY STIRFRY SYRUP TIPS TOFU VEGEMEATS VEGETABLES VEGETABLES-ASPARAGUS VEGETABLES-KOHLRABI Raw Soup Source of Recipe Vegan Village Recipe Introduction If you are suffering from a cold or flu, then this soup is really good for helping you to feel better. It comes from Jane Sen's Healing Foods Cookbook published by the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, who advise their patients to follow a vegan diet. Recipe Link: of Ingredients 1 litre organic soya milk 2 tomatoes 2 carrots 2 celery sticks a handful of fresh parsley half a small cauliflower 2 tsp low salt yeast extract � tsp ground black pepper � tsp nutmeg 2 onions, finely chopped 50g soya margarineRecipe Gently fry the onions in the soya margarine until soft. Meanwhile, whizz the rest of the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add the blended vegetables to the onions and simmer very gently for 10 to 15 minutes.
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