stress relieving Marinera Sauce
List of Ingredients
stress relieving Marinara sauce has no recipe! LOL!
The first thing I do is put a stack of Andrea Bocelli CD's on the Stereo and turn the volume up loud!!
It all depends on how stressed I am when taking out my frustrations chopping the vegetables!! I can really make my cleaver knife rival that Yan Can Cook guy!! hee hee. I use equal amounts of celery and white onion. I like red and green peppers, along with some dried Porchini mushrooms. I use lots of chopped fresh garlic and dried basil~(don't like the fresh basil). I saute the vegies in olive oil, and then start dumping in chopped canned tomatoes along with some tomato sauce. I season with salt, the dried basil, some red pepper flakes and a pinch of sugar. Just stir, simmer and taste it for and hour or so, or until Andrea is through singing. Works wonders for stress, and tastes darn good too!! P>S>~Forgot to say, that water and a deep breath should be added as needed.