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    Best Scrambled Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    "The Cook's Illustrated Cookbook" by America's Test Kitchen

    Recipe Introduction

    "Scrambled eggs often end up as either tough, dry slabs or pebbly, runny curds. We wanted foolproof scrambled eggs with fluffy, moist curds so creamy and light that they practically dissolved on the tongue. The first step was to add salt to the uncooked eggs; salt dissolves some of the egg proteins so they are unable to bond when cooked, creating more tender curds. Beating the eggs until just combined, using the gentler action of a fork rather than a whisk, ensured our scramble didn't turn tough. Half-and-half was preferred over milk, producing clean-tasting curds that were both fluffy and stable. To replicate the richer flavor of farm-fresh eggs, we added extra yolks. Finally, when it came to the cooking process, we started the eggs on medium-high heat to create puffy curds, then finished them over low heat to ensure that they wouldn't overcook. It's important to follow visual cues, as pan thickness will have an effect on cooking times. If you don't have half-and-half, you can substitute 8 teaspoons whole milk and 4 teaspoons heavy cream. To dress up the eggs, add 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley, chives, basil, or cilantro or 1 tablespoon minced fresh dill or tarragon after reducing the heat to low."

    List of Ingredients

    â—¦ 8 large eggs plus 2 large yolks
    â—¦ ¼ cup half-and-half
    â—¦ Salt
    â—¦ ¼ teaspoon pepper
    â—¦ 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, chilled


    Beat eggs, egg yolks, half-and-half, ¼ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper with fork until thoroughly combined and mixture is pure yellow; do not overbeat.

    Melt butter in 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until foaming just subsides (butter should not brown), swirling to coat pan. Add egg mixture and, using heatproof rubber spatula, constantly and firmly scrape along bottom and sides of skillet until eggs begin to clump and spatula leaves trail on bottom of pan, 1 ½ to 2 ½ minutes. Reduce heat to low and gently but constantly fold eggs until clumped and just slightly wet, 30 to 60 seconds. Immediately transfer eggs to warmed plates and season with salt to taste. Serve immediately.

    Serves 4

    • Best Scrambled Eggs for Two:
    Reduce eggs to 4, egg yolks to 1, half-and-half to 2 tablespoons, salt and pepper to â…› teaspoon each, and butter to ½ tablespoon. Cook eggs in 8-inch skillet for 45 to 75 seconds over medium-high heat and then 30 to 60 seconds over low heat.

    • Best Scrambled Eggs for One:
    Reduce eggs to 2, egg yolks to 1, half-and-half to 1 tablespoon, salt and pepper to pinch each, and butter to ¼ tablespoon. Cook eggs in 8-inch skillet for 30 to 60 seconds over medium-high heat and then 30 to 60 seconds over low heat.




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