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    Creamy Hands-Off Scrambled Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    From "Good Enough: A Cookbook" by Leanne Brown

    Recipe Introduction

    "To me, these are the best of all egg worlds. I used to think scrambled eggs were awful since I'd always had them in the tough, lumpy form that comes from overcooking. But these eggs have the creaminess of a French omelet without the stress and perfectionism required. They seem almost dangerously rich even when you don't add cheese. And you barely have to do anything and can blearily prepare toast and coffee while your eggs cook slowly. The final result is the fluffiest and smallest-curded mountain of creamy, salty egg deliciousness. It will make you feel like some kind of magician. When I serve these, people always assume I have added cream or so much cheese or *something.* It is the magic of that low heat and breaking up the egg into the smallest curds possible so it retains its natural richness."

    List of Ingredients

    ◦ 1 tablespoon butter
    ◦ 4 large eggs
    ◦ teaspoon fine sea salt
    ◦ cup shredded sharp white cheddar cheese (optional)
    ◦ 2 scallions, finely chopped (optional)
    ◦ Up to 1 cup of any leftover vegetables, cooked meat, or a combination (optional)
    ◦ Freshly cracked black pepper
    ◦ Buttered toast, for serving (optional)


    Melt the butter in a small pan over the lowest heat possible. While the butter melts, crack the eggs into a bowl, add the salt, and whisk with a fork briefly just to break up the yolksdon't worry about aerating them.

    Pour the eggs into the pan with the melted butter and let them sit on that super low setting, stirring occasionally to lift up the slowly cooking eggs from the bottom and break up the curds, until they're all cooked, 20 to 30 minutes. (See note.)

    Toward the end of the cooking time, stir in the shredded cheddar, scallions, and leftover vegetables or meat, if using, just to warm them through and incorporate. Finish with a grind or three of fresh black pepper and serve immediately with toast, if desired.

    Serves 2

    ❧ Note:
    I know, it's soooo slow. I pull the pan from the heat when the eggs are still just a little loose and moist. Some might call them undercooked, but I call them perfectly creamy. Cook your eggs less or more according to your taste. You can also scramble your eggs faster over higher heat (though only over medium heat, at maximum); that just means you'll need to stand at the stove, stirring constantly to break up the curds as they form. Basically you want to never let any chunks of larger curds form, always breaking them up into the loosest, smallest bits possible to create a creamy mountain. But try it once with low heat so you understand the final look you're aiming for.




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