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    Perfect Fried Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    From "Cook's Illustrated Revolutionary Recipes"

    Recipe Introduction

    "When checking the eggs for doneness, lift the lid just a crack to prevent loss of steam should they need further cooking. To cook two eggs, use an 8- or 9-inch nonstick skillet and halve the amounts of oil and butter."

    List of Ingredients

    ◦ 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
    ◦ 4 large eggs
    ◦ Salt and pepper
    ◦ 2 teaspoons unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces and chilled


    Heat oil in 12- or 14-inch nonstick skillet over low heat for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, crack 2 eggs into small bowl and season with salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining 2 eggs and second small bowl.

    Increase heat to medium-high and heat until oil is shimmering. Add butter to skillet and quickly swirl to coat pan. Working quickly, pour one bowl of eggs into one side of pan and second bowl of eggs into other side. Cover and cook for 1 minute. Remove skillet from heat and let stand, covered, 15 to 45 seconds for runny yolks (white around edge of yolk will be barely opaque), 45 to 60 seconds for soft but set yolks, or about 2 minutes for medium-set yolks. Slide eggs onto plates and serve.

    Serves 2




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