From "Artisanal Preserves" by Madelaine Bullwinkel
Recipe Introduction
"With a supply of this apple juice concentrate, you can make virtually any jelly flavor you desire. The pectin in the apple will contribute generously to a jell; its subtle fragrance will defer to the scents of other fruits, herbs, and spices. To avoid being caught short, make more than one recipe of stock when time allows, and store it, vacuum-sealed, in your larder or freeze it. Fresh stock will refrigerate for up to 2 weeks."
List of Ingredients
◦ 4 pounds Granny Smith apples
◦ 8 cups water
Stem the apples and coarsely chop them. Place pieces in a heavy, nonreactive 5-quart pan; include seeds, skins, and cores. Pour in 8 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, and cook, partly covered, for 30 minutes. Stir the pan once or twice, turning the apples at the top into the simmering liquid.
Strain mixture through a damp cheesecloth-lined sieve for 1 hour. There will be about 8 cups of the apple juice. Begin to reduce this juice in a 5-quart pan while continuing the straining process for another hour. The last cup of juice has a higher pectin level than the juices strained initially. Add this late juice to the juices reducing in the pan. Reduce to 3 cups total. If you are going to use the stock within the next 2 weeks, simply pour it into a clean storage jar and refrigerate. Stock can also be frozen in clean plastic containers.
To vacuum-seal the stock, fill hot, sterilized jars to within � inch of the lips. Wipe the rims clean, attach new lids, and screw caps on tightly. Invert jars briefly to vacuum seal, or process in a boiling water bath, submerged by 1 inch, for 10 minutes.