Bourbon-Vanilla Seckel Pears
Source of Recipe
From "The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving"
Recipe Introduction
"Seckel pears are a small golden-skinned heirloom variety with a sweet crunch, perfect for bathing in a bourbon-vanilla syrup. Serve with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon."
List of Ingredients
◦ 3 � cups water
◦ 1 cup honey
◦ � cup bourbon
◦ 1 tablespoon lemon juice
◦ 1 vanilla bean, split
◦ 4 pounds unpeeled Seckel pears, halved and cored
Bring first four ingredients to a simmer in a 4-quart stainless steel or enameled Dutch oven over medium heat. Scrape seeds from vanilla bean, and add to syrup. Add pear halves, and simmer 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Fill a hot jar with hot pear halves, leaving � inch headspace. Ladle hot syrup over fruit, leaving �-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rim. Center lid on jar. Apply band, and adjust to fingertip-tight. Place jar in boiling water canner. Repeat until all jars are filled.
Process jars 15 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat; remove lid, and let jars stand 5 minutes. Remove jars and cool.
Makes about five 1-pint jars
� Pears may be peeled, if desired. Bartlett or d'Anjou pears may be substituted; core and quarter to fit jars.