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    Cinnamon Cranberry Apple Jelly

    Source of Recipe

    From "Artisanal Preserves" by Madelaine Bullwinkel

    Recipe Introduction

    "Picture this ruby-bright jelly as a beautiful holiday offering with a stick of cinnamon tied in green ribbon around the jar cap. It will taste delicious spread on any rich brioche breads or Christmas stollen."

    List of Ingredients

    â—¦ 2 pounds cranberries
    â—¦ 2 pounds Granny Smith or Jonathan apples
    â—¦ 6 cups water
    â—¦ Sugar
    â—¦ 1 stick cinnamon


    Rinse and pick over the cranberries before weighing them. Coarsely chop the apples, removing stems only. Combine fruits in a heavy, nonreactive 5-quart pan. Pour the water over them and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, partially cover, and cook for 20 minutes.

    Strain the juice through a cheesecloth-lined sieve for 2 hours.

    Add the cinnamon stick to the cranberry-apple juice and bring to a boil in a heavy, 5-quart nonreactive pan. Stir in an equal volume of sugar, ½ cup at a time, returning the liquid to a boil each time before adding more.

    Let the jelly boil until it reaches the jell point, which is 8 degrees above the boiling temperature measured on your thermometer. This will take about 5 minutes. Maintain the boil for a full minute after reaching the jell point.

    Off heat, skim the jelly and ladle into hot, sterilized jelly jars to within ¼ inch of the lips. Wipe the rims clean, attach new lids, and screw caps on tightly. Invert jars briefly to vacuum seal, or process in a boiling water bath, submerged by 1 inch, for 10 minutes.

    Makes about 7 cups




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