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    Double Dilly Beans

    Source of Recipe

    From "The Canning Kitchen" by Amy Bronee

    List of Ingredients

    • 4� pounds fresh green beans
    • 6 cloves garlic, peeled
    • 6 tsp dill seeds
    • 1 bunch of fresh dill
    • 3 cups pickling vinegar (7% acidity)
    • 3 cups water
    • � cup pickling salt


    1. Rinse the beans under cool running water. Trim off and discard the tips at both ends. Line up six clean 1-pint jars. Drop 1 clove garlic, 1 teaspoon dill seeds and a few dill fronds into each jar. Pack the jars snugly with the beans, ensuring they come no higher than � inch from the jar rim.

    2. Make the brine by combining the vinegar, water, and salt in a medium saucepan. Turn the heat to high and stir until the liquid goes from cloudy to clear and the salt is completely dissolved.

    3. Ladle the brine over the beans, leaving a �-inch headspace. Poke a non-metallic utensil inside each jar a few times to remove any air bubbles, topping up with the brine if needed. Process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.

      Makes six 1-pint jars




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