Home-Style Pickled Jalape�os
Source of Recipe
From "The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving"
Recipe Introduction
"These long pickled-pepper strips are the perfect fit for tacos, nachos, or any favorite sandwich that needs spicing up."
List of Ingredients
◦ 3 � pounds jalape�o peppers, seeded and quartered
◦ 1 cup thinly sliced white onion
◦ 2 large carrots, thinly sliced
◦ 2 � cups white vinegar (5% acidity)
◦ 2 � cups water
◦ 2 tablespoons Ball� Salt for Pickling & Preserving
◦ 1 tablespoon sugar
◦ 6 cloves garlic, crushed
◦ Ball� Pickle Crisp (optional)
Put on gloves, and cut peppers in half lengthwise; remove seeds. Cut halves in half lengthwise to create long strips. Place jalape�o strips in a large bowl. Add onion and carrot; toss well.
Combine vinegar and next three ingredients in a large stainless steel or enameled saucepan. Bring to a boil.
Place 1 crushed garlic clove in a hot jar, and pack jar tightly with vegetable mixture, leaving � inch headspace. Add ⅛ teaspoon Ball� Pickle Crisp to jar, if desired. Ladle hot pickling liquid over vegetables, leaving � inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rim. Center lid on jar. Apply band, and adjust to fingertip-tight. Place jar in boiling water canner. Repeat until all jars are filled.
Process jars 10 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat; remove lid, and let jars stand 5 minutes. Remove jars and cool.
Makes about six (1-pint) jars