Scarlet Pepper Jelly
Source of Recipe
Adapted from "American Home Cooking" by Cheryl & Bill Jamison
List of Ingredients
- 6 medium red bell peppers, chopped
- 6 to 8 jalape�o chilies, preferably red, seeded and chopped
- 6� cups sugar
- 1 cup white vinegar
- � cup fresh lemon juice
- � tsp unsalted butter
- 6 ounces liquid pectin, such as Certo
- Prepare 7 half-pint canning jars according to the manufacturer's instructions.
In a large saucepan over high heat, combine the bell peppers, jalape�os, sugar, vinegar and lemon juice, and bring to a boil. Boil until the pepper mixture is tender, about 15 minutes. If it threatens to overflow the pan at any time, reduce the heat a bit. Pour the mixture into a food mill or through a coarse sieve and press the liquid through. Discard the solids.
- Rinse the pan, return the liquid to it, add the butter and bring the liquid back to a rolling boil over high heat. Pour in the pectin, stir well, and continue boiling for 1 minute. Using a clean spoon, skim off any foam, though the butter should decrease the formation of foam. Pour the jelly into the prepared jars, leaving �-inch of headspace.
- Process the jars in a boiling water bath according to the manufacturer's instructions, generally about 10 minutes. The jelly may require several hours to set. Refrigerate the jars after opening.
Makes 7 half-pints.
Final Comments
Great served on crackers over cream cheese, or as a glaze for pork chops or tenderloin.