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    Squash Pickles

    Source of Recipe

    From "Dori Sanders' Country Cooking"

    Recipe Introduction

    "These pickles are very easy to make, a good way to use that super-abundant garden supply of squash. I think yellow squash makes the prettiest pickles, but you can use other types of squash, too. Can them in decorative half-pint glass jars, and you'll always have a little gift ready to take with you when you're invited to a friend's house for a meal."

    List of Ingredients

    ◦  4 quarts small, thinly sliced fresh yellow squash (about 12 small squash)
    ◦  2 quarts thinly sliced onions (about 6 medium onions)
    ◦  ½ cup salt
    ◦  2 quarts crushed ice
    ◦  5 cups sugar
    ◦  5 cups distilled white vinegar
    ◦  1½ tsp turmeric
    ◦  1 Tbsp mustard seed
    ◦  1 Tbsp celery seed


    In a stockpot, combine the squash, onion, salt, and ice, mix gently, and allow to stand for 3 hours. Drain, wash thoroughly in cold water, and drain again.

    In a large saucepan, combine the sugar, vinegar, turmeric, mustard seed, and celery seed and cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles of a simmer begin to appear. Remove from heat immediately.

    Pack the squash-onion mixture into hot, sterilized Ball Mason jars and add hot syrup to cover, leaving a ¼-inch space at the top of each jar. Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp cloth, fit them with hot lids, and tightly screw on the metal rings. Process in a bath of boiling water for 10 minutes (the water should cover the jars by about 1 inch), cool on a wire rack, and store in a cool, dark place.

    Makes about 9 pints




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