Sweet Pickle Chips
Source of Recipe
From "The Complete Southern Cookbook" by Tammy Algood
List of Ingredients
- 4 pounds pickling cucumbers (3 to 4 inches long), cut into �-inch slices
- 5⅔ cups white vinegar, divided
- 3 Tbsp pickling salt
- 1 Tbsp mustard seeds
- 3� cups sugar, divided
- 1 Tbsp whole allspice
- 2� tsp celery seeds
- In a large stockpot, combine the cucumbers with 4 cups of the vinegar, the pickling salt, mustard seeds, and � cup of the sugar. Cover and simmer over medium-high heat, about 7 minutes, or until the cucumbers change color from bright to dull green.
- Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, combine the remaining 1⅔ cups of the vinegar and the remaining 3 cups of the sugar with the allspice and celery seeds over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil.
- Drain the cucumber slices and pack while still hot into canning jars. Cover with the hot syrup, leaving �-inch headspace. Remove any air bubbles, wipe the jar rims, and adjust the lids. Process 10 minutes in a boiling water bath. Place on a wire rack away from drafts to cool completely. Store at room temperature.
Makes 5 pints