.What to Do When the Jelly Won't Jell
Source of Recipe
From "Gourmet Preserves Chez Madelaine"
Recipe Introduction
From time to time, the desired jell does not occur as predicted, even when you think you've done everything correctly. You then have two choices. First you can change your expectations and decide that what you really wanted was a sauce for ice cream. You will certainly have something delicious to eat.The second alternative is to apply a "pectin fix," using a small amount of commercial product. This formula will jell your preserves if they are thickened but syrupy.
� Pour the preserves into a glass measuring cup.
� For every cup of un-jelled preserves, measure out � teaspoon Sure-Jell� powder and whisk in 2 tablespoons hot water. For example: 4 cups of preserve would require 2 teaspoons Sure-Jell� and 8 tablespoons (� cup) of hot water.
� Scrape this mixture into the preserves in a clean saucepan and return it to the boil.
� Stir in 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice per cup of preserves.
� Bring the preserves to a boil and cook actively for 2 to 5 minutes.
� Pour the preserves out again into a clean glass measure.