Texas Fried Cinnamon Cookies
Source of Recipe
From "Southern Fried" by James Villas
Recipe Introduction
"These delightful fried cookies are the Tex-Mex version of the crisp, puffy Mexican confection known as sopaipillas, and although the spicy cookies are traditionally served with ice cream or fruit compotes, they also make a simple but unusual dessert when drizzled with honey or molasses. Be sure to dredge the cookies in the cinnamon mixture while they're still fairly hot."
List of Ingredients
◦ 4 cups all-purpose flour
◦ 2 teaspoons baking powder
◦ 1 teaspoon salt
◦ � cup chilled lard
◦ 1 cup sugar
◦ 3 large eggs, beaten
◦ Milk
◦ 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
◦ Vegetable shortening for deep frying
In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt and mix till well blended. Add the lard and work with your fingertips till the mixture is mealy. Add � cup of the sugar and mix till well blended. Stirring, add the eggs and just enough milk to make a firm but not stiff dough.
On a floured surface, roll out the dough � inch thick and cut into 1 �-inch squares. Re-roll the scraps and cut out more squares. On a plate, mix together the remaining � cup sugar and the cinnamon and set aside.
In a deep fryer or large skillet, heat about 1 inch of shortening to 365� F on a deep-fat thermometer and fry the squares in batches till browned, about 2 minutes on each side, turning once. Drain on paper towels, dredge the cookies in the cinnamon mixture while still hot, and let cool.
Makes at least 2 dozen cookies