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    .Freezer FYI

    Source of Recipe

    Southern Living magazine
    * * *

    • Keep your freezer at 0° F. Use a freezer thermometer, and adjust the temperature dial if needed. Always cool food to room temperature before freezing. When freezing several items at a time, place in a single layer in the coldest part of the freezer, leaving plenty of space for air circulation.

    • Label and date containers, and include baking and reheating instructions. (It's easier to write on freezer bags before you fill them.) Keep a list of what's on hand.

    • Use airtight, moisture-proof containers and wrapping materials that are specifically designed for freezer use. Choose a container that fits the amount of food you're freezing. Soups or other liquids expand when frozen, so leave a ¼- to ½-inch headspace below the rim of the container.

    • Vacuum packing foods is the best way to prevent freezer burn. To shrink-wrap foods in freezer bags without a vacuum sealer, press out as much air as possible. Close the bag, leaving a ½-inch opening. Insert a drinking straw through the opening, and suck out any remaining air until the bag shrinks around the food. Quickly slip out the straw and seal the bag completely.

    • Check the directions on zip-top plastic freezer bags and wrapping materials for guidelines on microwave use. They may be recommended for defrosting foods but not for reheating at a higher level of power.

    • Some frozen foods can be heated without thawing, but make sure the container is rated freezer-to-oven safe by the manufacturer.




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