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Recipe Categories:

    .Freezing Soups, Stews, and Sauces

    Source of Recipe

    Southern Living magazine
    * * *

    Prepare recipe as directed. Let cool completely, using one of the two methods below. Cooling times will vary, but package and freeze food promptly -- as soon as it reaches room temperature. Transfer to airtight containers or zip-top plastic freezer bags, and freeze up to 1 month. Thaw in the refrigerator 8 to 24 hours.

    • Place the stockpot or Dutch oven in a sink with ice water. (To ensure rapid cooling, fill the sink with ice water to the same level as the food in your stockpot, and add more ice as needed.) Let stand, uncovered, stirring often, until completely cool.

    • Transfer hot food to large, shallow containers (such as 13- x 9-inch baking dishes). Let stand, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until completely cool.


    Freeze family-size portions of soups, stews and sauces in empty cereal boxes for space-saving stackable storage. Line a box with a large, zip-top plastic freezer bag, folding the edges of the bag over the edges of the box (the way you would place a liner in a trash can), so that the box supports the bag when filled. Seal the bag, and freeze vertically while still inside the box. Once frozen, remove the filled bag from the box and stack horizontally. Downsize to smaller freezer bags and boxes for fewer servings.




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