Coffee Cream Liqueur
Source of Recipe
From "Handmade Gifts from the Kitchen" by Alison Walker
Recipe Introduction
"Serve this creamy, rich liqueur neat over ice or drizzle over ice cream for an indulgent after-dinner treat."
List of Ingredients
� 1� ounces coffee beans
� 1 pint whisky
� 14 ounces canned sweetened condensed milk
� 1� ounces semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces
Put the coffee beans and whisky in a bowl, cover, and let infuse overnight.
Heat the condensed milk and chocolate gently in a small pan, stirring once or twice, until the chocolate has melted. Strain the whisky and put into a blender or food processor with the condensed milk and chocolate. Whiz for a minute or two to blend thoroughly, transfer to a bowl, and chill overnight.
Remove any skin that might have formed during chilling and decant into sterilized bottles, seal, and label. This superb tipple keeps for up to a month in the refrigerator.
Makes about 1� pints