Chocolate Truffle Sauce
Source of Recipe
Jan Roberts-Dominguez
List of Ingredients
- 1 pound semisweet chocolate, cut into very small (�-inch) chunks
- 1� cups heavy cream
- 5 Tbsp butter, softened and cut in chunks
- Place the chocolate chunks into a large heatproof bowl. Now place the bowl over a saucepan filled with very hot, slightly simmering (but not boiling) water. Let the chocolate begin to slowly melt while you proceed with the recipe.
- In a small heavy saucepan, bring the cream to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and immediately pour it over the chunks of chocolate, stirring constantly, until the chocolate is melted. Keep the bowl positioned over the hot water, because this will help keep the temperature at the melting point. Once the chocolate is smooth and creamy, stir in the butter and continue stirring until the mixture is well blended and smooth.
- Pour the sauce into clean jars and let cool completely before screwing on the lids. Refrigerate the sauce. It will become firm, but just tell the lucky recipient to scoop out the sauce as needed and either warm in a pan on the stove, or at low power in the microwave. Of course, most folks end up just eating it directly from the jar.
Makes about 2� cups sauce.