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    Thanksgiving: Fluffy Mashed Potatoes

    Source of Recipe

    From "America's Test Kitchen Thanksgiving Playbook"

    Recipe Introduction

    "We wanted a mashed potato recipe that allowed more of the prep work to be done in advance (who wants burnt fingers from peeling hot potatoes?) but still delivered a fully smooth mash with robust, earthy flavor. So in our mashed potato recipe, we peeled and steamed the potatoes rather than boiling them, and we rinsed them midway through cooking to prevent them from getting gummy and starchy during prolonged exposure to cooking water. This recipe works best with either a metal colander that sits easily in a Dutch oven or a large pasta pot with a steamer insert. A steamer basket will work, but you will have to rinse them off halfway through cooking. For the lightest, fluffiest texture, use a ricer. A food mill is the next best tool. Russets and white potatoes will work in this recipe, but avoid red-skinned potatoes."

    List of Ingredients

    â—¦ 5 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled, cut into 1-inch chunks, rinsed well, and drained
    â—¦ 10 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
    â—¦ Salt and pepper
    â—¦ 1 â…” cups whole milk, warm


    Place metal colander or steamer insert in large pot. Add enough water to pot for it to barely reach bottom of colander. Bring water to boil over high heat. Add potatoes, cover, and reduce heat to medium-high. Cook potatoes for 10 minutes. Transfer colander to sink and rinse potatoes under cold running water until no longer hot, 1 to 2 minutes.

    Return colander and potatoes to pot, cover, and continue to cook until potatoes are soft and tip of paring knife inserted in center of potato meets little resistance, 10 to 15 minutes longer. Pour out water from pot.

    Set ricer or food mill over now-empty pot. Working in batches, transfer potatoes to hopper of ricer or food mill and process, using rubber spatula to remove any potatoes stuck on bottom. Fold in melted butter and ½ teaspoon salt until incorporated, then fold in milk until incorporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

    Serves 8 to 10




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