Parenting: Back-to-School Lunchbox Ideas
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• Limit the number of items and keep portions "kid-size." Kids like things that look like snacks and food that small hands can handle.
• Ask your kids to make a list of the foods they like and have them help assemble their lunches... in this way, they know what they're getting -- and what they're eating.
• Use leftover beef, chicken or turkey in wraps or mini-pitas as a variation from traditional white bread sandwiches.
• A wide-mouth thermos can be used to transport a warm and delicious lunch, like chili, pasta or soup, providing more hot-meal options.
• Remember that variety is key to a good lunch.
• Utilize "Tetra Paks." Put two chilled packs in your child's lunch... actually, freeze one of the packs. By the time afternoon break comes around, that frozen pack will have thawed. And the packs keep the food cool.
• Another good addition to the lunch box would be individually wrapped cheese slices or a hard-boiled egg -- it's not only good for you, but comes in its own natural packaging.
• Yogurt is also a good option, as it keeps reasonably well should it go room temperature.