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    Baking Soda: Uses in the Kitchen

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    * Did You Burn Your Favorite Pan?

    Put 1/2 cup of baking soda in the pan and fill it half-full with water. Set the pan on the stove, and let it boil, until the burnt particles float to the top!

    * For Stuck-On Food:

    For food that is stuck on your casserole dishes -- fill the casserole with boiling water and add 3 Tbsp of baking soda or salt and let sit for one hour.

    * For Polishing Silver:

    Have silver? Polish it to a shine with a soft cloth and some dampened baking soda placed on the cloth.

    * For Splatters on Countertops and Stove:

    Counters or stove have stuck-on grease splatters or dried food? Sprinkle baking soda on the areas, and then rub with a wet sponge. Rinse with a clean sponge. This also works for a countertop that has grape juice or other fruit stains, too! (You sometimes need to do 2 applications.)

    * Keep Your White Appliances White:

    Keep your appliances sparkling white and prevent them from yellowing by washing with a solution of 1/2 cup bleach, 8 cups water and 1/2 cup baking soda. Rinse well.

    * Freshen Your Garbage Disposal:

    Sprinkle baking soda in the garbage disposal, along with a few drops of diswashing liquid. Scrub with a brush, getting under the rubber gasket and all around the inside. Then turn on the water and switch on the disposal, and flush thoroughly. For a fresh citrus scent, throw in a few cut-up lemons or limes and run them through too, using lots of water.

    * For a Fresher-Smelling Microwave:

    Microwaves can harbor odors between uses, which can change the smell of foods subsequently cooked in them. Keep a cup of baking soda in the microwave between uses to keep potatoes from smelling like bacon or other unusual combinations!

    * Cleaning Your Microwave:

    One way to clean all that stuff that sticks to your microwave is to take about a tablespoon of baking soda and put it in a microwave-safe bowl filled about half-full with water. Microwave for about 3 minutes, and the stuff wipes right off.

    * For a Fresh-Smelling Refrigerator:

    Baking soda is good for removing odors, so open a box and leave it on the middle shelf of your refrigerator.

    * For Softer Hands While Washing Dishes:

    Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your soapy water. It softens hands while cutting through grease.

    * Clean Oven and Stove Door Windows:

    Clean that brown stained oven glass door. I always thought it was an impossible mission. Have a go at this, though: Make a paste of water and baking soda. Cover the glass with the mixture, and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse off with water.

    * Dishwasher Duty:

    Not ready to run the dishwasher, but can't stand the smell of the tuna you had for lunch? Sprinkle a handful of baking soda on the dishes or in the bottom of the dishwasher to absorb the odors, so you can wait until the washer is full! The baking soda will do double-duty: deodorizing before you run the dishwasher, and then cleaning in the first wash cycle. *** Note *** With baking soda handling the first cycle, add your detergent only to the cup that closes, for use in the second cycle.

    * Extinguish Small Kitchen Fires:

    Baking soda is great at extinguishing small kitchen grease fires and electrical fires (unlike water, which will spread the fire). Just sprinkle or toss by handful onto the flames. *** Note *** Use caution if attempting to use baking soda to extinguish fires in deep-fryers, which could cause spattering.

    * Clean a Thermos Bottle Flask or Thermal Carafe:

    Thermos flasks are quite hard to clean, as the main problem is you cannot get access to the inside. Try this: Place 3 teaspoons of baking soda into the flask, then fill with boiling water. Leave to soak for 30 minutes, and then rinse clean. This will also remove any smells that have accumulated within the flask.

    * For Coffee or Tea Stains on Counters:

    If you have coffee or tea stains on your counter tops or walls, here is a simple way to remove them. Simply mix a paste of baking soda and water, and apply to the mark. Leave it for about 15 minutes, then wipe off.




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