Apple Varieties
Source of Recipe
Vegetarian Times, Oct 2000
List of Ingredients
Variety - Flavor/Texture -- Best Uses:Recipe
Braeburn - Aromatic & sweet; crisp; juicy -- Raw, salads, pilafs
Cortland - Sweet-tart; tender -- Cooking; Sauce;Baking
Empire - Medium tart to sweet; crisp;juicy -- Raw, sauce
Fuji - Sweet, mellow, crisp, juicy -- Raw, salads
Gala - Aromatic, full-flavored;crispy,sweet -- Raw, cooking, salads
Golden Delicious - Sweet or bland; slightly tender -- All-purpose
Granny Smith - Pleasantly tart; juicy; very crisp -- All-purpose
Ida Red - Sweet, spicy; crisp -- Raw, cooking
Jonagold - Sweet-tart; tender to slightly crisp -- All-purpose
Jonathan - Sweet-tart; tender -- All-purpose
Macoun - Tart; juicy -- Raw, salads
McIntosh - Pleasantly tangy; crisp, juicy -- Raw, sauce
Northern Spy - Slightly tart; tender-crisp -- Raw, baking, esp. pies
Red Delicious - Sweet; juicy -- Raw, salads, avoid cooking
Rome Beauty - Slightly tart to sweet; tender to mealy --Cooking, baking, esp. whole
Winesap - Aromatic,complex,slightly tart;firm -- All-purpose;excellent for sauce, cider