4 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon instant yeast
1 cup of water for poolish
1& 3/4 cups water for STEP 2
STEP 1-Make the Poolish.
Combine one cup of all purpose flour, one cup of water and a tablespoon of instant yeast. You let this sit, covered, for at least 20 hours. This will provide a strong rise and more importantly, amazing flavor. Jim Leahy’s no-knead bread is basically a big pile of poolish, and it is bread-crack.
STEP 2-Add flour and water to poolish:
Add 3 cups flour, 1 and 3/4 cups water and all of the poolish in a bowl. This produces a "gloppy mess." Stir once and let it sit for 15 minutes.
STEP 3-Add salt. A 2-3 teaspoons spoon should do it. Salt inhibits rise but is necessary for flavor so let everything sit together before adding.
STEP 4: Allow 3 hours of rest.
STEP 5: 10 minutes of kneading. Best done in food processor or in a kitchen-aid. It’s still very web-almost a stir. You will incorporate more flour at this stage. Add just enough to bring this out of “gloppy mess” stage but not enough to pull off of the side of a bowl.
STEP 6:Allow another hour of rest.
OPTIONAL STEP 7 At this point if you want to do 3 rounds of long-pulls (picking up the dough mass, letting it stretch out and then flop back down to lengthen the gluten) go ahead. If you omit the pulls proceed to STEP 8
STEP 8-Turn dough onto a heavily floured surface and fold, 3 or 4 times until you can handle it without it attaching to your hands. Cut into two, put one blob aside. Form the general shape of what you want to make, sprinkle the top with flour, and let it rest another hour.
STEP 9: During this hour you will heat an oven to 450 with a pan of water at the bottom. Or, if you want to go Leahy- style, place a heavy cast iron pot with lid in the oven. I prefer to cook bread in a well greased non-stick sprayed cast iron skillet covered by its lid for the first 20 minutes of baking.
Once the oven is hot, flop the bread onto a well greased non-stick sprayed pre-heated cast iron skillet, pizza stone, or a baking pan if you have nothing else. Cook for 40 minutes until the crust is dark brown and delicious.