My Taxi Cab Embarrassing Moment
Source of Recipe
my personal moment
Recipe Introduction
This is something that was SOOOOO embarrassing at the moment, but now I am able to laugh about it and tell others about it.
At the time I worked at a mall at a Hair dressing shop. I worked until nine oclock one evening and decided to call a cab to go home. I went to the back entrance of the mall to wait for it.
A few minutes later, a car pulled up. Looking like a taxi, I ran out and jumped in the car, kind of impressed with how fast the cab came. I got in, did my seatbelt up, adjusted the purse on my lap, and gave the man my address.
When the man made no motion and just sat there, I turned to see the man. With his arm up on the seat, a big smirk on his face, and looking at me like I was nuts, he said, "ma'am I am not a taxi, I am just waiting for my wife, your taxi cab is right behind me."
After gathering my dignity, I got out of the car, and went to the real taxicab, only to find the cab driver in hysterics. He had witnessed the whole thing.
Needless to say after this experience, I chose to walk home, instead of taking a cab.