Things to do on a Bus
Source of Recipe
When you get on, ask the bus driver if you can borrow the fare from him.
get on with 300 dollars worth of groceries and insist on loading them all.
Go around to all the passengers and introduce yourself and make each and everyone of them do the same.
sit right behind the driver and make comments about his driving
Push the stop button every 10 seconds
Make "screech" sounds when the bus stops
Get on and tell the bus driver to please wait for your grandma, who will be along in about 5 or 10 minutes.
Pretend that you cant get up the steps. take a run for it and trip and land with your chin on the step. tell the bus driver that you will sue.
Insist on standing......In the isle.
Get up and move to the back and sit in the last seat for a few minutes, then get up and proceed to the front and tell the driver that there was no toilet paper in the bathroom.
Start a sing along "The wheels on the bus go round and round......."
Make a scene that the person closest to you Farted...and insist that ALL the windows on the bus be opened.
Tell the bus driver to drive faster as you have an appointment to get to.
Hang out the window and make rude comments to the pedestrians. spit at a few.
When the bus hits a bump, fall on the floor and make as much noise as you can.
Take a cooler on the bus marked...."Human Head"
Whistle really loudly.
Burp to the song on the radio.
Ask the bus driver to stop as you have to pee.....then say, "Whoops'
Graffiti the walls of the bus.
Play the drums on the seat in front of you, making use of the persons head that is sitting there as well.
When you board the bus....pretend that you are blind and grab the busdrivers face and examine it thouroughly.
Sit behind the bus driver and braid his hair.
Put 5 pieces of bubble gum in your mouth and blow big bubbles and pop them making sure to get the gum in the hair of the person sitting in front of you.
Play a tuba.
If anyone tries to sit with you, scream at them that they sat on Fred (your invisible friend)
Talk to your invisible friend. Make a comment on how ignorant people can be, they can't even look before they sit down.
Take your shoes off and massage your feet with Rub A 5. Ask if anyone would like to massage them for you.
Shoot spitballs, and use the back of the bus drivers head as a target.
Smoosh your face up against the window and scare people on the street.
And if you are really brave smoosh your butt up against the window and see if you can attract any cops.
Turn around to the person in the seat directly behind you and flip them the bird.