Canadian Tourti�re
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
1-1/2 pounds ground beef and pork mixed (equal portions)
4 to 5 medium potatoes
Medium onion, diced
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Crushed cloves
Salt and pepper to taste
Pie crust (Mom always made her own, but store-bought would do.Recipe
You'll need a top crust as well as a bottom, though.)
Saut� onion in butter. Add meat, salt, and pepper.
Cover and cook slowly, stirring occasionally.
Peel, boil, and mash potatoes (do not add any milk, butter, etc. to them).
Add cooked meat to potatoes and mix well.
Mix in spices to taste.
Fill pie crust, cover, puncture the top crust, and paint with milk.
Cook in oven at 425 to 450 degrees for 30 minutes,
then lower oven to 350 degrees until it is "golden done," 45 to 55 minutes in all.
Serve piping hot.
Some like to lift the lid of their slice and smear it with ketchup.
I prefer not, but it is a matter of taste.