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    5 A Preserving Gingerbread Houses

    Source of Recipe
    You spray your house using a non water soluable polyeurethane spray.

    My friend, for whom I made houses also saved them. They DID spray them. They stored two different houses in their basement. One in a box one in a plastic bag. the one in the bag survived great. the one in the box did not.

    Here's what one of my contributuors, who had houses for 7 and 9 years, said:

    "I usually store my houses in three garbage bags-each securely tied with a twistie. I then put them on a shelf in my basement. We do run a dehumidifier in the summer down there. Occasionally during the year I touch the top of the bag to see if the house is still in there to make sure the mice haven't found a snack! I heard one story where the people had stored the house in a box and when they opened it the next year, the mice had eaten the whole thing.

    We have a general store (9 years old) and church (at least 7). In addition, we have one other large house and several smaller that my children made last year when I helped the high school German classes. We have run out of room so I have not made any for us in the last couple of years. It was always our Thanksgiving weekend tradition to create a house. My daughter gave her senior demonstration speech on creating houses so I know it is a tradition she likes. " -

    She "enhances" a little and adds a cardboad frame to some of her houses...I'm a purist and don't do this, but if you really want to incease your chances of survival this might be an idea.




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