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    The Cabbage Soup Diet

    Source of Recipe

    Community Cookbook

    Recipe Introduction

    This is good and if you like soup, you will like this....has a lot of flavor and is quite satisfying. Should be able to loose 10 pounds on this. Make sure to take at least 4 days off inbetween weeks on this diet and just eat healthy....

    List of Ingredients

    3 large onions
    1 large green pepper
    1 head of celery
    1/2 green cabbage
    Large tin of canned chopped tomatoes
    1 pkg. onion soup mix
    3 vegetable stock cubes

    Cut all veggies up into bit sized pieces. Place in a saucepan with rest of ingredients, cover with water, season simmer until veggies are soft. Then follow the instructions below for 7 days. Making sure to take some time off in between each week.


    DAY ONE: Eat only fruit and as much soup as you want. Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice and water.

    DAY 2: Eat row and cooked vegetables (avoid peas, corn, beans), at dinner reward yourself with a baked potato and butter, eat as much soup as you like, no fruit.

    DAY 3: Mix days one and two, eat as much fruit and veggies as you want, but no potato. Eat as much soup as you can.

    DAY 4: Eat as many as 8 bananas, skimmed milk and as much soup as you want.

    DAY5: You may have 300-500 grams of beef, chicken or fish and a large tin or 6 fresh tomatoes. Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water, and be sure to eat the soup, at least once.

    DAY 6: Eat 2-3 beef steaks with salad or raw vegies (no baked potato) and soup at least once.

    DAY 7: Brown rice, fresh veggies and unsweetened fruit juice, eat as much as you like, plus soup at least once.




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