Hallowe'en Snack Mix .
Source of Recipe
the web
Recipe Introduction
The perfectly ghoulist mix for your Halloween party!
List of Ingredients
1/2 c blood drops (red hots)
1/2 c cats eyes (blanched almonds) or (gum drops)
1/2 c cats claws (sunflower seeds)
1 c chicken toenails (candy corn)
1 c colored flies (M & M's)
1 c butterfly wings (corn chips)
1 c ants (raisins)
1 c earthworms (cheese curls)
1 c cobwebs (Triscuits) or (Golden Grahams)
1 c snakes eyes (peanuts)
1 c bats bones (shoestring potatoes)
Mix together in a large bowl. Serve with several pints of blood (cherry punch).