Helpful Kitchen Tips
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Butter the rim of a pan in which you cook rice or macaroni so it won’t boil over.
To easily measure molasses, honey or syrup, dip cup or spoon either in hot water or brush with oil.
For lighter fritter batter, substitute an equal amount of club soda or beer instead of liquid called for.
For flakier pie crust, substitute 1 teaspoon vinegar for 1 teaspoon of the cold water called for in the recipe.
Brush uncooked pastry shells with beaten egg white, or sprinkle with powdered sugar before filling to prevent soggy crusts.
When cutting cream pies, first dip knife in hot water so that none of the filling will stick to it.
For ease in flouring meat, poultry or fish, shake pieces in a plastic bag containing the flour and seasonings.
To keep a cake longer, place half an apple in the cake container when storing.
To revive wilted parsley or dill place in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes.
To clean and re-hydrate lettuce, fill sink with cold water and let soak for 15 minutes. Dirt will sink to bottom and lettuce will crisp up a bit.
To easily unmold gelatin salads or desserts, lightly brush mold with oil before pouring in the mixture.
When using a glass bakng dish for cakes, lower oven temperature by 25 degrees F.
To plump dried-out raisins, place in hot water for 10 minutes.
When using wooden skewers for kebabs, soak in cold water for 10 minutes to prevent them from burning.
It is easier to separate eggs when they are still cold.
For greater volume, bring egg whites to room temperature before whipping.
Save celery leaves and green onion tops to add to soups or stews.
For easier carving of meat and to retain juices, let roast or poultry rest at least 10 minutes before carving.