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    Apple Raisin Pie

    Source of Recipe

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    List of Ingredients

    Pie crust for 2 (8") double pie crusts
    4 tbsp. raisins, soaked in hot water and drained
    6 lg. apples, sliced & peeled or 6 c.
    2-4 tbsp. lemon juice
    1 c. sugar or 1/2 c. sugar & sugar substitute equal to 1/2 c. sugar
    1/4 c. flour
    1/2 tsp. cinnamon
    1/4 tsp. nutmeg
    1/8 tsp. ginger
    Sprinkle of salt
    1 tbsp. butter


    Prepare pie crusts and refrigerate. Soak raisins in hot water. Peel and slice apples thin; pour lemon juice on them. Combine dry ingredients in bowl; sift them over apples so all are covered; let stand at least 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep slices covered evenly. Roll out bottom pie crusts. Drain raisins and add to apples; divide fruit mixture into equal parts. Fill each shell with half of the mixture.

    Divide butter into 2 equal parts; put on top of the fruit mixture so it will melt evenly into fruit mixture. Roll out top crusts and put on pie. Cut slits in the top crusts and seal edges. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes, then at 375 degrees for 40-50 minutes, until center is browned. Cool on rack and do not cut until completely cooled.

    Second pie may be frozen, unbaked, for later use.




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