Email to Laura Recipe Categories: CraftLady's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BBQ BEEF BEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST BROWNIES BUTTERSPREADS CAKES CANDY CASSEROLES CHICKEN CHILI COOKIES CROCKPOT CUPCAKES DESSERTS DOUGHNUTS DRINKS FROSTINGS GIFTSINAJAR HALLOWEEN HERBSSPICESSEASONINGS JELLO JUSTFORFUN MEATS MEXICAN Miscellaneous MUFFINS PASTA PASTRIES PIES PIZZA PORK ROASTS SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS STIRFRYS VEGETABLES BLT DIP Source of Recipe Unknown List of Ingredients 16 ozs. sour cream 16 ozs. mayonnaise 3 diced tomatoes 1 lb. bacon, cook crisp and crumbled 1 loaf bread of your choice Recipe Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate for about three hours or until it is cold. Cut bread into triangles and toast well.