Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
1 pkg. yeast
� cup warm water
� lb. soft butter
� cup soft shortening
� cup sugar
1 cup unseasoned hot mashed potatoes
1 cup cold water
1 � tsps. salt
about 6 to 6 � cups flour
In large bowl, sprinkle or crumble yeast into warm water; stir until dissolved. Stir in butter, shortening, sugar, potatoes, then cold water, salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Place dough in greased large clean bowl. Turn to grease all sides.
Cover bowl tightly with waxed paper or aluminum foil and clean towel; refrigerate. To use dough, cut off only as much as you need, returning rest to refrigerator. Covered dough keeps two to three days in refrigerator. Shape dough into rolls and place on baking sheet. Brush with melted butter and cover with towel.
Let dough rise in warm place, 80 to 85 degrees, until doubled in bulk. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.