Email to Laura       Recipe Categories: CraftLady's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BBQ BEEF BEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST BROWNIES BUTTERSPREADS CAKES CANDY CASSEROLES CHICKEN CHILI COOKIES CROCKPOT CUPCAKES DESSERTS DOUGHNUTS DRINKS FROSTINGS GIFTSINAJAR HALLOWEEN HERBSSPICESSEASONINGS JELLO JUSTFORFUN MEATS MEXICAN Miscellaneous MUFFINS PASTA PASTRIES PIES PIZZA PORK ROASTS SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS STIRFRYS VEGETABLES GRANDMA’S PEPPERMINT CANDY Source of Recipe CopyKat List of Ingredients 1 pkg. White chocolate bark 1 box large candy canes, crushed Recipe Melt chocolate in double boiler. Add crushed candy canes. While hot, pour into large cookie sheet. Put in freezer until set. Break into pieces put in pretty gift bags.