I hope that some or all of this information helps you.
List of Ingredients
Additions & Garnishes
Sliced hard-cooked eggs
chopped green or ripe olives
nut meats
green pepper
slivered cheeses
julienned ham
grated carrots
cubed celery
onions (pickled, grated or pearl onions)
tomatoes, sliced (dipped in finely chopped parsley & chives)
cherry tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese
fresh herbs - sprigs or chopped
mint leaves
cooked beets, cut into shapes or sticks
lemon slices with pinked edges & dipped in chopped parsley
raw cauliflower
Tips for Tossed Salads
o Always handle salad greens with care.
o Wash well, dray & dry greens before storing; chill well before using.
o To core lettuce, smack head stem end down on counter top. Then twist the core out.
o It is better to tear greens into bite size pieces to avoid bruising with knife.
o Don't cut up tomatoes for a tossed salad since their juices thin the dressing & wilt the greens. Use them only for garnishing the salad bowl.
o Select only firm, hard, green cucumbers. The skin should have a slight sheen, but if it is highly polished, it is probably waxed & the skin should be removed.
o Use wild greens such as dandelion, sorrel or winter cress for a different flavor & texture in tossed salads.
About Potato Salads
Potato salad is best made from potatoes cooked in their skins & peeled, marinated while still warm. Small red waxy potatoes hold their shape when sliced or diced & do not absorb an excessive amount of dressing or become mushy.