I saw this at a website a couple of years ago, so I cannot take credit for this one... but have long since lost the URL - it was in a newsletter I think. These cookies are cute little replicas of McDonald's cheeseburgs. The original "recipe" called for green-tinted coconut ("lettuce") but I didn't like all those tastes, so I omitted it.
36 Vanilla Wafers
18 Grasshopper (chocolate-mint) Cookies
frosting, colored deep yellow (slightly warm)
Using a tiny bit of any color frosting, dab together the bottoms of 1 Vanilla Wafer (bottom part of "bun") and 1 Grasshopper cookie ("hamburg"). On top of the Grasshopper cookie, put a teaspoon or so of yellow frosting to attach the bottom of another Vanilla Wafer. Use enough frosting so that it oozes out through the sides, and looks like cheese melting over the hamburg.
Voila - a mini-"hamburg" sandwich.