Apple Cranberry sauce:
Source of Recipe
Sheila Eisenbergs Apple Cranberry sauce
Recipe Introduction
a recipe that's light,easy and delicious and doesn't take much time. This lasts for's great with cereal (hot or cold) and yogurt or as a dessert.
List of Ingredients
5 Rome Beauty Apples
1 bag of fresh or frozen Cranberries
1 can of Diet cherry soda
2 to 6 tablespoons sugar (depends on how sweet you like it and how sweet the apples are)
walnuts, dried fruit, raisins, cinnamon
Peel and core apples...chop them into chunks
rinse cranberries
Add all to a dutch oven or other large, ovenproof dish (with a cover)
pour the diet soda over all...add sugar (and cinnamon if you like that)
add nuts and dried fruit.
Cover and cook about 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven