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Culinary Connections Collections

Recipes from Family, Friends, Subscriptions and More.

I love to cook and to collect cookbooks. I have books from many places i've been, fabulous finds from antique shops or yard sales. Magazines I subscribe to and gifts of books from family and friends.
I love to play with ingredients and see what happens. And just as much, I love to try the recipes from all of my resources i've collected. Its fun and exciting.
I hope you enjoy this collection i've put together and have as much fun with these recipes as I have.
Remember its always growing and changing so come back often or better yet...Bookmark me!
A special thank you to my family, friends and Husband for being such sports on my adventures and for their honesty in regards to my creations.
Now its time for you to sit back with your favorite beverage with pen and paper near by and enjoy your journey through my Culinary Connections Collections.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
APPETIZERS (6 )Mon 10/Dec/2018 19:38:49
BBQ (1 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 05:02:13
BEVERAGES (4 )Mon 11/Mar/2019 13:01:22
BREADS (1 )Fri 6/Feb/2009 06:36:39
BREAKFAST (1 )Tue 4/Nov/2008 18:15:17
CAKES (3 )Mon 10/Dec/2018 19:31:11
CASSEROLES (1 )Tue 31/Aug/2010 13:18:31
CHEESECAKES (9 )Mon 10/Dec/2018 19:30:37
COOKIES (1 )Sat 8/Dec/2018 06:50:48
DESSERTS (4 )Fri 22/Jul/2011 12:52:48
FUDGE (1 )Mon 28/Jul/2003 18:24:15
MEATS (2 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 08:10:23
PASTA (1 )Sun 20/Sep/2009 15:46:32
PASTRIES (1 )Fri 15/Oct/2004 07:15:32
PIZZA (1 )Mon 28/Jul/2003 18:02:50
POULTRY (1 )Mon 11/Mar/2019 12:43:39
PUDDING (1 )Thu 14/Oct/2004 09:35:12
QUICHE (1 )Tue 31/Aug/2010 13:58:48
SALADS (1 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 07:48:47
SALSA (1 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 05:19:46
SAUCES (1 )Tue 31/Aug/2010 13:42:57
SIDEDISHES (1 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 05:44:28
SOUPS (2 )Mon 6/Dec/2010 04:37:27
Spiritz (2 )Mon 30/Aug/2021 15:37:02
VEGETABLES (1 )Fri 15/Oct/2004 06:18:00
Browse ALL Recipes
Total Number of Recipes49

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