.Acrylic paints: black, blue, orange, red
.Plastic foam pieces: five 1 1/2" balls; 6" cone; 4" oval
.13"square of black felt
.1 1/2" pink pom pom
.2 yds of 12" piece of fabric of choice
.One yard of 1/4" wooden dowel
.Thick craft glue
.Paper, pencil, scissors, rulers, sewing needle, black thread, paintbrush, and small hand saw.
1. Adult supervision use saw to cut dowel into seven 3" pieces and one 5" piece. For mouth, use scissors to cut oval plastic foam shape in half lengthwise (Discard or save for future use other half). Press cut edge of mouth onto edge of hard surface to form a smile.
2. Apply glue to one end of each 3" dowel piece and insert ends into the following: one side of two balls (eyes); one side of three balls (buttons); bottom center of cone (nose); center back of mouth. Paint eyes blue. Paint buttons black. Paint nose orange. Paint mouth red. Let dry.
3. Use chalk or crayon to outline a pot lid or similar size object on felt. Cut out circle. Using needle and thread sew a running stitch along edge or circle. Gather thread loosely to make a beret style hat; knot and clip end. Use scissors to cut a small slit into top center of hat. Glue pom pom to one end of remaining 5" dowel piece. Let dry. Thread other end through hat slit and glue bottom of pom pom on top of hat.
4. After making a snowman, insert eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, and hat into snowman. For scarf tie fabric around neck.