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Email to Deborah Gadwah-Lambert      

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    Naturally Tinted Barnyard Animal Eggs

    By Paula Loehr and Sesame Street Magazine (April 00)

    List of Ingredients

    • Fine-point Felt Tip Pen
    • White, Yellow, Orange Felt
    • Scissors
    • Craft Glue
    • Tiny And Medium-size Colored Pom-poms
    • Hard Boiled Eggs
    • Orange Faux Feathers
    • White Pipe Cleaners
    • Mugs, Forks, And Spoons
    • White Vinegar
    • 2 Tablespoon Ground Turmeric (yellow/gold)
    • 1/2 Cup Fresh Or Frozen Blueberries (gray/blue)
    • 1/2 Cup Grape Juice Concentrate (violet/purple)
    • 1/2 Cup Red Juice Concentrate (pale pink)


    1. TINTING: For each tint, put the desired fruit, juice, or spice in mug. Leg child use fork to mash or stir.
    2. Adults: Pour 1/2 cup boiling water into mug and help child add 1 teaspoon white vinegar. Stir Well.
    3. Let child put hard-boiled egg on spoon and dip gently into a color. Soak for darker color
    4. Once desired color, rinse in cool water and let dry.
    6. Bunny: Make face with 2 inch circle on fuzzy felt and cut out. Mark a dot in the center of the circle and snip a line from the bottom of the circle to the dot. Then glue the circle to the pointy end of the egg, overlapping the cut lines to the felt fits snugly like a cap. Turn the egg on its side and glue on five medium pom-poms for the feet and the tail. Bend a pipe cleaner in two and fold each half into an ear shape. Glue tiny pom-poms on the bunny's face for eyes and nose, and pink pom-poms or cut felt in the middle of each ear shape. Glue the ears to the top of the face.
    7. Duck: On yellow felt, draw a 1 inch square (for the base) a 1 x 1/4 inch rectangle (make rounded for the eye area), and two wing shapes. Using orange felt draw two web-shaped feet and two duckbill shapes. Cut out shapes and glue on egg. Glue on tiny pom-poms for eyes, and nostrils, and orange feather to the wings and the top of the egg and the felt square to the bottom of the egg for the base.

    Final Comments

    See or the April 2000 issue for more animal ideas. The duck and the bunny were the ones that we made and they are cute.




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