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With A Little Help From My Friends . . .

Our favorite recipes are those gathered over the years from family and friends. My husbands' Mam-ma and his Mom were tremendous cooks who fed large groups of people and made it look easy because it was a work of love.

The time we spent in the military introduced us to many folks who were always willing to share the recipes that they brought with them to remind them of home.

We hope that you will enjoy what you read here.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
APPETIZERS (7 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
BEANS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
BEANSWITHMEAT (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
BEVERAGES (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
BREAD (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
BREAKFAST (2 )Sun 9/Oct/2005 17:32:27
CAKESandPIES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
CANDY (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
CANNINGRECIPES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
CASSEROLES (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
COOKIES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
DESSERTS (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
FISHandSEAFOOD (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
FrozenDesserts (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
IceCream (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
JAMSANDPRESERVES (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
MARMALADE (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
MEATS (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
MainDishPies (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
PASTA (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
PICKLES (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
POULTRY (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
QuickBreads (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
RELISHES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
RICE (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
SALADandDRESSING (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
SAUCES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
VEGETABLES (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
VegetableCasserole (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
VegetarianCasserole (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:39:05
Browse ALL Recipes
Total Number of Recipes57

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Deborah Eastes

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