Oven Apple Butter
Our favorite way to make applebutter. We give away a lot each year to appreciative family and friends.This is one recipe where you can use just about any mix apples, and we use windfalls so they don't go to waste.
List of Ingredients
- 8 quarts thick applesauce
- 8 quarts fresh apple cider
- 4 cups brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 cup cinnamon (if desired)
- Place applesauce in large baking pan in 400 degree oven.
- Place cider in a large kettle, boil until it has evaporated by half.
- Add the cider to the sauce in the oven.
- Allow the oven door to stand slightly open. Stir occasionally.
- After two hours, add the sugar and salt and spices if you use them.
- Cook until the apple butter is of the desired consistancy.
- Place into pint jars and process in hot water bath for 20 minutes.