Email to Deborah Eastes Recipe Categories: Deborah's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BEANS BEANSWITHMEAT BEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST CAKESandPIES CANDY CANNINGRECIPES CASSEROLES COOKIES DESSERTS FISHandSEAFOOD FrozenDesserts IceCream JAMSANDPRESERVES MainDishPies MARMALADE MEATS PASTA PICKLES POULTRY QuickBreads RELISHES RICE SALADandDRESSING SAUCES VegetableCasserole VEGETABLES VegetarianCasserole Armenian Style Pilaf This was my Dads' recipe. Serves 6-8. List of Ingredients 4 cups homemade chicken broth 2 cups long grain rice 1 teaspoon salt saffron if desired 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup butter 2 large onions 1 cup pine nuts Instructions Bring chicken broth to a boil.Add saffron as desired. Add rice and salt. Let come to a boil again, put on lid, then turn down heat to low. Allow to steam for 20 minutes and turn off heat. Let sit for 10 minutes, this step is very important. Meanwhile, saute onion in olive oil and butter. Add the pine nuts when the onions begin to soften. Cook until slightly brown and raw taste is gone from the pine nuts. Do not allow to over brown or burn. Fluff rice with fork, stir in onions and pine nuts. Final Comments Raisins or dried currants can be added when onions and rice are mixed.
This was my Dads' recipe. Serves 6-8.