1 cup sourdough starter of choice
2 cups warm water or milk
2 cups flour
The traditional basic sourdough batter should be prepared the evening before you want pancakes for breakfast or wish to make bread. Basic sourdough batter is used in almost every sourdough cookery recipe. Basic batter is made from your choice of sourdough type, i.e., adding water to water-base starter or milk to milk-base starter.
Place sourdough starter in a large mixing bowl (large enough to allow for any expansion that may take place, depending on how warm it is), preferably of glass, pottery, wood, or plastic. Don�t use a metal container or leave a metal spoon in the starter, as a chemical reaction can kill the starter�s leavening action. Add the water (or milk) and flour. Mix thoroughly. The mixture will be thick and lumpy, but will become thin while fermenting and be lively by morning.
Cover the bowl and put in warm spot overnight (I use my oven with the light on). Allow 10-12 hours during the night in a warm spot in the kitchen for complete fermentation. In the morning, return the cup of starter to the sourdough pot and keep in the refrigerator until the next use (Remember: put in a cup, take out a cup). The remaining batter is what you�ll use in your recipe. You can increase your amount of basic sourdough batter by adding equal amount of water or milk with equal amounts of flour to your starter. Gauge your recipe as to how much you will need.
NOTE: You can make your basic sourdough batter up to a week before needed by allowing it to become leavened for a day or two and then storing it in the refrigerator until you need it. Allow the batter to stand at room temperature for 30-60 minutes. It is now ready to use. (Remember, put a cup of starter back)